Possibly the most challenging time throughout the world and for Pbase Monthly Challenges since many if not all are under tight restrictions when it comes to going out and about with our cameras in search of a daily photograph. So here are a couple of ideas that I have had but this ideas discussion is open to anyone so if you can think of anything please add it here. We still have a couple of days to make a final decision.
My suggestions are
1/ create a gallery then each day select one of the photos you have posted in the past. We all have some that may have been missed by our followers and not commented on..these, rather than the popular ones are what I would recommend linking to your new gallery....remember linking does not use any more gb so basically you are doing a month for free. If you want you can create a theme, or anything in general, the choice is yours.
2/ create a gallery using photos you have in your files, on USBs, or cards that you never got around to posting..we all have those.
Either would mean never having to leave home which is exactly how we are living at the moment, thankfully by choice and not out of necessity. But sadly that is not the way for everyone and I am very sorry for any of our Pbase " family " who may be impacted by this dreadful pandemic. But let us continue to stay connected which is very important, especially for those who are isolated from families.