A little different take on the weekly challenge.
A set of images with a theme. Could be showing something getting done or an event. Could be taken in a day or though out the week. Post once a week, no particular day of posting since some will take though out the week, some in a day...
Images could go in a 'mini' gallery in which just the gallery &/or one picture would get commented or other option is several images get embedded in one post.
Some ideas:
From Start to Finish: the images are taken as the project gets done, might be a car/home being modified, sporting event, convention, hobby etc.
*A Week in the Life Of: Work, trip, daily activities
For those who like a treasure hunt theme: Alphabet: A-G for week one, H-N week two etc.
___________________________________ Numbers: 1-7 for week one, 8-14 week two etc.
*Creativity or humor can be used for those mundane tasks.
Aug. 1-7 1st week, give or take a day...very informal!