Since not much interest in PAD for August, some are just too busy to participate on a daily basis, I thought bringing back the Weekly Challenge might be fun.
I thought a fun challenge would be a set of images showing something getting done, From Start to Finish, or 'A Week in the Life Of. Depending on the 'task', in From Start to Finish, the images are taken as the project gets done, might be a car being modified, or a race, dog show, hobby, repairing something etc. Some would be done in just one day, such as a special meal being made.
A Week in the Life Of, would be a daily shot of your life & those images posted once a week. The Start to Finish or A Week in the Life Of.. theme would remain constant. Images may go in a 'mini' gallery in which just the gallery &/or one picture would get commented...too time consuming for many to post comments on more than a couple of pix.
Anyone game for this??? Post once a week, no particular day of images. Very informal...
Scott & Walter stopped doing the Weekly Challenges due to lack of participation. Their ending message: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=47703&start=15#p361605
Maybe invite those who find that the PAD is too time consuming who might enjoy posting occasionally to a weekly challenge.