June - Halfway through the year.
The June Challenge is HALF or HALFWAY or MIDDLE. Open to your own interpretation.
You can center your subjects or you can look for themes like Halfgrown, Halfway across the street, Halfway up a wall or Halfway across the sky.
Or perhaps half open, halfeaten, halfasleep, halfdone, halffull, halfdressed, halfbuilt, halfpint, perhaps halfhearted or even halfassed *:)
Half of a pair, like a partner. One shoe. One earring.
We won't measure. LOL No need to be precise and catch your subject at exactly halfway - part-way is an interpretation )
So, halfway can mean in-between or partially complete... .
You'll have to use some imagination, but I don't think it will be too challenging once you start looking.
Photos should be taken expressly for the challenge, so fresh shots.
Post a photo each day and post a link for the photo in this forum. You may use this for your PaD, but not necessary to do so.
Please try to review and comment on the other participant's entries. This is a shared experience.