Hi Lynn,
First let me say, " good job you !! " keeping the challenges going with great ideas over the past months the way you have. This last few busy months for me have kept me from joining in only because I knew I couldn't follow the rule to the letter with new shots each day so when I went back into my past challenge entries I came across this one done in November 2008. It was called A Song ~ A Poem ~ A Proverb and it was suggested by our dear & late friend Máire. Here is a link to what she wrote <http://form.pbase.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=39245 and if you follow on the the second page see what she thought about using " Cinderella " images as she called them <http://form.pbase.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=39245&start=15
Looking back on it reminds me of the enthusiasm and friendships through comments made on here before FB where to touch base is a simple click of the LIKE button.
Having recently travelled halfway around the world and spent time with several PBasers I have long had a connection has confirmed what a great place PBase is for bringing friends together daily...
Now with that I would like to suggest a re-run of November 2006 using Máire's idea of archive images combined with new that match A Song A Poem A Proverb
Just a suggestion
( sorry those links don't appear to be live )
This is one of my photos and if you click on it then scroll to the bottom on that page you will see the link there