Back to Basics Informal Meet-up
Repeat after me: “I will not be a lazy photographer.”
Use a high ISO setting
- from Digital Photography School Website -
Some of the most beautiful landscape photographs are made in low light, so learning these techniques will help you take advantage of low light opportunities and get that great shot even when you don’t have a tripod.
ISO refers to the level of light sensitivity of your camera. The higher the ISO the more sensitive the sensor is to light, therefore the less light is needed to make a good exposure. The downside is that the higher the ISO, the more “noise” you will find in your image. Noise is a grainy look as opposed to a smooth look.
This setting is different on every camera and an acceptable amount of noise is different for every photographer. Its good to know the maximum ISO for your camera that results in a noise level that you think is acceptable. With today’s cameras this point is probably higher than you might think.
Your Assignment ~
Post one or two photos using a higher ISO setting.
Take the same shot at a number of the higher ISO settings and when you view the photos on your computer later (view at 100% size or 1:1), you will see at what point image quality begins to deteriorate. Please post the image that you think is best.
Please tell us about the ISO setting if you aren’t posting with exif information.
If you would like to discuss your experience, please do. We can learn from it.
Our goal is to get our best shot through the camera and not the computer, so please limit processing to rotate, level, crop. If you shoot in raw, you may adjust your photos as necessary.
Commenting - let's try to give support to one another and point out what we like about the resulting photo(s).
If you have criticism, keep it constructive and hide the comment.
Deadline to post for this assignment is Saturday, August 2nd.