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Any PADers gonna buy the new Canon Mark II ??

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:17 pm
by areid
I know some professionals who are drooling in anticipation of their order to arrive. Many have started arriving the past week or so. I was told Sports Illustrated ordered 50 of them for their photographers.

Have any of you fellow PADers ordered one or have interest in them? It's currently out of my price and talent range. I think lenses are first on my list of things to buy.


PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:27 pm
by ziggers
I would LOVE to have one. If I sell enough at the show in June coupled with the events I cover for the Harley dealership here, I *might might* consider it. My D60 will be 2 this fall and I'd like to find a replacement and put her on back up. I intended last December to buy the 1D, but held out since I heard they were replacing it.

Once I heard about the MkII, I KNEW I'd love to have one for my Harley shooting (the D60's buffer has a hard time keeping up.)

We'll see....

For right now I'd settle on just SEEING one :)

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:43 pm
by bigbad
i don't think we'll be buying one anytime soon, but we took advantage of everyone else's eagerness and bought a used 1D from a guy who is getting one.

so far the 10D meets all my requirements so i can't see spending the money. (although the buffer on the 1D is much better than the 10D) i have to agree that lenses would be a more logical purchase for us at least.

at the moment, i'm just ecstatic that we each have our own body so there's no more fighting over the one. *ahem* not that i would ever knock jeff down and take the camera from him at an opportune moment... (insert angelic smiley)