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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 7:17 pm
by isshinryu_mom
During black and white week I asked for advice about what makes a good black and white. I've also asked a time or two what I did wrong with a shot and both times received helpful, considerate answers. I've only occaissionally offered any critique but think if someone wants critique they should put that in the caption of their photo. I'm sure there are many who'll happily oblige. :lol:

And, please, don't critique my spelling... it's atrocious! :o :oops:


PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:20 pm
by dazedgonebye
You know, I won't say that I don't get my feelings a bit ruffled when I am criticized, but if it is offered in a spirit of helpfulness, I put those feelings aside so that I can learn.
Photography can be so personal, it's no wonder many people would rather keep it lite.

Re: Feelings

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:03 pm
by cjmorgan
I've critiqued some of the PAD images. But I mostly do it with private mail,
only when I can be constructive in what I say, certainly with humility in
whatever counsel I try to afford, and always with the rememberence that my
own growth as an image maker was mostly founded on the fact that it is the
one area of my life where my father let me flurish without any critique.

However, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And so it is
that if we genuinely want critque, then it's perhaps just wise to ask for it at
the time of posting our photo. A question like "What can I do to improve this
image next time?" would probably suffice.


It's working.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:49 pm
by dazedgonebye
I am getting actual feedback with my little note in the copyright area.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:12 pm
by scotthop
There is a big difference between criticism and critique....I will welcome any critique about any of my photos. That is how we learn!!!

And like Ann please do not critique my is the worst.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:47 pm
by stormseye
I'm doing this for fun, and part of the fun for me is learning and improving. I really really really really want to learn how to make better images; this is the primary reason I joined PBase - to see what I liked about others' work, and to share my own and possibly receive constructive feedback. The PaD project has me working at it every day.

I would welcome constructive critiques, whether positive or negative. If you like it, it's nice if you can say why. If you don't like it, perhaps tell me where I erred and suggest a way to do it better. If these are in the public comment section, then others can learn as well.

So if you're inclined to take the time to make a helpful suggestion, I'm willing to listen, and thankful for the help.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 9:09 pm
by jjacquie11
I don't feel comfortable doing that. If this was a gallery of my best work that would be different. I would be putting it out there saying judge me by this.

But it is hard to take a picture every day let alone a perfect one. I think not saying anything says more than pointing things out. If no one comments then you know your picture is lacking. Sometimes you already know, but it is just the best you can do for the day. I think I would feel I let myself down if I quit or missed a day. I would feel worse about that then posting a less than perfect picture.

I don't care what anyone says it is hard to come up with a picture everyday, I think if someone can post one everyday they don't need me pointing out whats wrong with it. (unless someone asks I try to keep my mouth shut)

What I don't like is when people say something is wonderful when it is not. Because that is misleading to people.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 12:37 am
by clickaway
I think Jacquie has hit on some really valid points here.

Has anyone ever thought what Michaelangelo's PAD gallery would have looked like? I'm sure there would be some pretty lame photos there on some days! Either that or it would be yet another photo of a statue in progress!

Even when I am feeling lame in myself, I always pick up the camera. I have shot my net curtains when ill in bed and my eye when I've been under the weather or in an absolute hurry.

There may be some days that I only receive only half my average number of comments. So what? I knew that I had done below par in the first place.

Are the comments I receive genuine? In the main I think they are. Maybe some people have a tendency to over-enthuse, but that's just their personality and there's nothing wrong in that at all. It just adds to the community spirit!


PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:25 am
by stormseye
Point well taken, but I don't think the sheer volume of comments is necessarily an indicator of the quality of the photo. A lot of people are in this to be part of a community of photographers, friends, and like-minded individuals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it is a different way of using the comments. You're right, it's hard to be top-notch everyday, no doubt. But personally, I'd still be happy to get suggestions. For me, learning is part of the enjoyment! But I do understand that not everyone feels that way.

One of the things they "taught" us in management classes was how to give feedback. Praise often and publicly, criticize sparingly and privately. Either way, be specific. People (employees, students, etc.) will naturally tend to do what garners them praise. Thus the "good" expands and crowds out the "bad" - naturally and generally painlessly.

That said - I, too, sometimes give out vague and gushy praise. I'll try to do better. :)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:48 am
by darter02
Please feel free to be critical of my work. Being that I have gone through a lot of art school over the years, I have found that the "critic" part of a project by peers is perhaps the most valuable aspect of learning.

My thoughts on this

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 7:02 pm
by jfender
basically boil down to what many have already said. To be more than a bit blunt, this PAD project is a source of ego building for me. Do I expect rave reviews on every photo? No. But when I do...I float for days. Thankfully, I *can* take a kind recommendation or two and have gotten those along with the praise. But if I were getting nothing but "maybe you should've" and "next try this instead" type of feedback, it wouldn't have the same purpose for me anymore.

There have been a few photos that I have specifically asked "what do you think?" and have gotten great information/feedback as a result (an example being my firetruck photo). PM feedback is always a good way to handle any recommendations or suggestions you might have.

So, I would recommend that when a photographer wants critique-esq feedback, then they will be say so in their dialog of the photo.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 4:09 pm
by stormseye
OK! :D

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 8:50 pm
by scirburn
I second Joy's comments. Appreciate any and all comments. :roll:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 8:51 pm
by 5points
Same here - All messages are most welcome!!! (I have no problem with critical comments).
In general the images I post in PAD are my immediate reactions to what is going on around me (and in my head).
Lastly, I post also on other site (Fotolog),
If you care to check it out you will see that the type of comments people leave there are not that much different from what I see on PBase.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 7:34 pm
by rj324
procyon_g wrote:Very good idea, dgb. A very simple system that they use on the Sony Talk Forum (on PBase) is for the photographer to put an asterisk (*) next to the title of their photo if they want the comments to be more "critical". Sometimes I know that there is something "off" with one of my photos but I can't put my finger on it, and other times I'm feeling frustrated and just want some encouragement.


I like the * idea.

Title Goes Here *
* Title Goes Here