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Portrait settings in Seattle -- any suggestions?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:04 am
by heffa
I'm in eastern Washington state and will be doing senior portraits this fall. Many of the local outdoor backdrops have been overused, and I'm thinking of taking a bunch of kids to Seattle to get a different look. It's always cool to us rural yokels to do the big city thing! :D

Besides the obvious (Seattle Center, Pikes Place Market, Safeco field, etc.) what are some fun settings in the area for senior portraits? The more off-the-wall the better!


Re: Portrait settings in Seattle -- any suggestions?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:50 pm
by mikelong
Pioneer Square, Arboretum Park, Golden Gardens, Seattle Art Museum (Hammering Man), Experience Music Project, Ivar's Restaurant, Gasworks Park, Alki Point, Seattle-Bainbridge Island Ferry, Kerry Park, etc, etc.

Re: Portrait settings in Seattle -- any suggestions?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:23 am
by heffa
Thanks, Mike... all good ideas.

I'm going to head over with my daughter in a couple of weeks and make some rounds to see what works best for what I have in mind.

I've also got my eye open for some more offbeat locations... kind of like what is pictured in this great photo by jk views. If something like this rings any bells (murals, graffiti, underpasses, etc. etc.), I'd appreciate knowing about it! (I think I'm going to avoid the Fremont Troll, though!)
