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Filter: Polarizer or UV

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:29 pm
by doumi_1
Hi All,

I would like to know what's the big difference between UV filter and Polarized one.

Thanks for your help


PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:22 pm
by castledude
Totally different animals.

UV filters do just that, they filter some of the UV energy the net effect is usually unnoticed except that skys will appear a little brighter, the filter also known as a "Haze filter" for this reason. The biggest use of the UV filters is for scratch and bump protection (cheaper to replace the filter than the lens).

Polarizer removes all the light that is directional. This allows you to get rid of reflections and glare since they are directional light. A circular polarizer allows you to turn the filter to tune in the glare removal.

UV and Polarizer

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:04 pm
by freedda
Because its effect is hard to notice, many people think of the UV more as lens protector than a filter. With the polarizer, however, in many conditions you can see a difference. Last week I was shooting moving water and as turned my circular polarizer filter (it has to be at a certain angle to the light soure for maximum effect), I watched as the reflection on the water almost disappeared. And even when the polarizing effect isn't showing, this filter makes thinks darker so you can also use it as a neutral density (darkening) filter.

I use a Hoya multi-coated version. David.