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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:18 pm
by donaldj
I have this delicious nude pix of a young Afro-American Lass, which should be emitting soft flames from her skin, to make it a perfect pix...

Background is a blended soft slightly yellowish/red-velvet, rolling into black-reds toward the outer of the canvas... I have tried and tried to make flames, but always end-up with messes upon messes. and after hours of making messes, am always forced to click no-save... How do you make soft brown-skin seem to emit fire and passion?.. without actually setting the model on fire...

I'm guessing I'll need one of those latest breakthrough fractal softwares somehow connected to a photo editing software...

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:59 pm
by clayogre
Okay, this is for Gimp, but I imagine the same method could be applied to PS, assuming there is some way to edit custom gradients in PS. Then it would just be a matter of getting the flames to conform to her shape.