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Tone Hacker v1.0: free soft to rip B&W tonings

PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:39 pm
by gluijk
I would like to show you a little but I think useful program I wrote last weekend to allow any non experienced user to easily rip B&W tonings from your favourite authors, and apply them straight into your B&W pictures or calculate a standard Photoshop .acv curve file to do the processing there. I hope you find it useful and I hope to get feedback from you all. I keep this program for free and it can be downloaded from:

The program analyses a toned B&W image and obtains the RGB curves to be applied to a pure B&W picture to obtain the same tone.

This is the GUI:

The steps to achieve a toning are:

1. Use the '...' to load a toned image
2. Press 'Analyse' to analyse it and create the curves
3a. Load with '...' the target picture. If it is coloured use now 'Desaturate' to desaturate it.
4. Press 'Tone' for toning.
DONE! it's really fast.


3b. You can as well use the option to export PS curves (.acv format straight readable from PS) and apply the "hacked" toning from inside PS.

The generated files will subsequently be stored on the same folder as the original ones. Saving the histogram and curve plots can be disabled (default).

An example of use: we take this toned image:


we analyse it with Tone Hacker and calculate the curves:


and we apply them to pure B&W pictures:



Find some more examples here:
