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Iraq Photos... A soldiers view of the War.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:14 pm
by colinhorne
Guess i'm courting disaster and a lot of hate from anti-war types for this, but i wanted to hear from people (like myself) who served in Iraq with the Armed Forces and kept a photo diary of events.

So far i have only found one or two sites that show a soldiers perspective of combat and i'm really interested in seeing and hearing opinions and thoughts from other people who were actually there as opposed to watching and judging us on TV from thousands of miles away.

My site is at ... pring_2003
You are welcome to visit, but please dont bother with the abuse because you see me in combats and carrying a rifle......
I'm not trying to make a political statement with these pictures... am just trying to show it the way it was.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all members of the forces who are serving and have served in the gulf as well as all over the world.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:34 pm
by minoltaman
I was not in Iraq during this conflict. I served on a guided missle cruiser back in the earlyearly/ mid-80's. I had the pleasue of visiting and parading for such people as the Sultan of Oman and Mr. Big shot from UAE and some other sultans laying claim to fertile oil grounds and prime poieces of real estate.

We hit many Suni-Muslem countries on that trip including Pakastan the Maldives and actually suffered through a lockdown or two because of uprisings in the phillipines. 10-20 people were dying a day in the streets of Karachi during the week we pulled into the harbour.

Anyway, we were trying to secure peaceful and strong relationships with folks to avoid the type of matters we are going through today. I did not take pics when I served so I really appreciate when someone shares their pics while they are in service. I think you have done a nice job and I hope the anti-war people do not jump on you.

I would like to salute you! Thank you. As a fellow veteran I am very proud. Stay safe and happy and straight shooting.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:42 pm
by csr
I wouldn't dare criticize you. One of my best friends is in Baghdad right now, and will be for another six months. Thank you for posting these pictures.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 5:51 pm
by peterb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:37 am
by colinhorne
Have been blown away by some really excellent messages of support by people on e-mail and the site....thanks to everyone who visited!
I really think that everyone should have a look at conflict thru the eyes of the soldier (not saying they have to go!) perhaps then they'll see that we're just a human as anyone else.
Have looked at the other sites from Iraq....some great pictures to be seen. Just dont forget that we're not all out of there yet...good luck lads and lasses !

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:57 am
by chuckh
I left a message on your gallery... I am a US Marine 2 tour Vietnam Vet...
I wanted to let ya know there are ALOT of Vietnam Vets that are covering your "six"....
I know what you and all of your comrades are going thru....
We are all proud of you and all that answered the call...
Gods speed
Chuck Harvey
USMC 68-72
Vietnam 68-70

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 9:56 am
by colinhorne
Have had a great response fgrom other people who want top see more pictures like these, so thought I;d share my mates photos with you as well.
He's a colleague of mine from A Squadron and has some fantastic photos...I really recommend you to have a look at them!
All the best,