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PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:01 pm
by darter02
This whole thread is pathetic...........

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:48 pm
by framewerkz
darter02 wrote:This whole thread is pathetic...........

Oh, I don't know, a decent handbag swinging session always makes for light relief.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:32 am
by sheila
framewerkz wrote:
darter02 wrote:This whole thread is pathetic...........

Oh, I don't know, a decent handbag swinging session always makes for light relief.

:D :D :D Gees, this is like the good ole days at DPreview and no, I don't miss them!

Cheers and lighten up guys!


PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:54 am
by minoltaman
Gees, this is like the good ole days at DPreview and no, I don't miss them!

Very funny Sheila. I am still laughing over the term "handbag swinging session" but I do NOT miss the flame wars at dpr either. :)

Cheers to you.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:01 pm
by minoltaman
Well, I noticed two things.

1) Phyllis's forum has been slower lately.
2) No cheating has been going on lately.

Hmmmmm....go figure. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:04 pm
by minoltaman
It would be nice if you reembedded that pic you started this thread with. It told the whole story but I see you have removed it to try and make yourself look better.

Go figure..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:54 pm
by pstewart
It's perfectly normal that my galleries have slowed down a bit because I haven't been uploading new pics for a few weeks and folks have already seen the galleries that are there. There will be more when I scan my slide collection and find time to go out and use my new Digital Rebel. Be patient. :)

As for your second innuendo, all that is missing is a huge (K-wasting) screenshot composite of a bunch of galleries in a row on the pop list. The words I replaced it with actually give more detail than the words attached to the original pic. I have nothing to hide--anyone who wants to learn what happened can find out by reading this thread from the beginning. It's clear I am not a cheater. I explained how those galleries got there. You, on the other hand, have yet to explain how, a few days later, 29 of yours appeared overnight in the pop list.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:59 pm
by minoltaman
You are so full of smacktalk. Go home to innographx please. The trouble is no one comes to your forum anymore cuz you are full of bull and are a troublemaker a control freak and many other unmentionables. You begged for some votes from your members tellin them it would help get members for inno. They obliged and then you complained to the voters for voting when you got to many votes. Then you tried to apologize here after you already had gotten the idea to "cheat" weeks before from the threads you read and added very suspicious and strange comments to before! I'll get the links if you can't find them. You run the biggest smokescreen of smack I have ever seen. You done smoked up 3-5 other people now. Then you and your peeps bumped my galleries up the board to try to make me look silly after I called you and the other cheaters out again. Too bad it did not fool anyone. Your simple charades are just about over.

Almost everyone here knows whats going on with you, your people, and your galleries and why you post. It is completely obvious if you read all of the threads. Especially the cheating ones in the help forum. Then you read all of your follow on lies, personal attacks and bullsmack. it is a very clear picture you came here to cheat votes and attack me. That is completely obvious. You don't even hang out at your forum anymore. You are banned from RetouchPro and your place is dead so now you have to come bother me here. Geeesh....let me upload in peace.


Good Day.

Ps...Run anymore hate threads in your forum lately??? I bet so.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 7:54 pm
by pstewart
1. You are wrong, Don. My Innographx site is alive and well. Lots of new members coming in practically every day. Right now a lot of the posts are in the members-only Kitchen Table forum since we're all talking about the holidays and personal plans etc., which is normal around Xmas. So, if you're checking up on us, you are missing a lot of the fun. :)

2. You are wrong again, Don. We certainly had nothing to do with the cheating involved in your string of 29 galleries. We have better things to do.

3. Don, your paranoid rants and slanderous accusations are getting completely out of hand. How can one man be so full of hate toward a group of people he never met? Aren't there more important things in your life to worry about?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:05 pm
by minoltaman
You are so full of it. Your place died. You are ruining your reputation and have altready been caught talking shishsi many times on the board here.

You do not have better things to do. I see you and your members peeking in here all of the time. They are voyers.

Look at the number of postings at your place. They have almost dropped off of the map. The only people posting now are your last few loyal friends who swamped retouch and started inno with you.

Don't feed me anymore bull please. When it comes to new members I built yzor to the number of members you have now in two weeks. TWO WEEKS. Don't tell me your place ain't dead. You been at it for months now and all your doing is loosing people.

Do the math. Count the posts. Use your head. However you can do it. The participation in the photoart/retouching threads at your place is down at least 75 percent easily. Primarily due to your activities here at pbase.


That's the facts. Post the reports.

BTW...Ask slug who voted for my galleries. That will prove it was you or one of your cronies. the worst type of cheaters. C'mon ask slug, Fraid a what yu'll get! yup....

I notice you never make a reply after you disbelieve all of us and bother slug then admin tells you you are wrong. What's up? Never admitted you were wrong once in your life have you? C'mon big girl, ask slug and post the reply. I am done playing around with people like you. C'mon do it. Out yourself or some of your people just like you outed my filters. C'mon...I beg of you.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:17 pm
by minoltaman
2. You are wrong again, Don. We certainly had nothing to do with the cheating involved in your string of 29 galleries. We have better things to do.

You do not tell the truth. Your people had the time to cheat your galleries up and you admitted it then apologized. They certainly would have the time to cheat mine up. Hell, half of them are peeking in here 5 timeas a day. C'mon...NOBODY is buying that sack of bull. They come to your place to PLAY for gosh sakes. You are quite the storyteller are'nt you?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:02 pm
by pstewart
Don, there is no point in trying to reason with you. You obviously are out of touch with reality and are living in a world of fantasy and paranoia. I am sorry you are ill, but even if I can feel sympathy I can't tolerate your continued attacks on me and the people at my site. There must be something that can be done to get you to stop posting this slanderous nonsense.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:17 pm
by minoltaman
I am sorry you are ill
:lol: :lol:

Yes doc. Stop telling stories on the boards and getting personal. Guess you ain't gonna email slug huh? Guess you are not gonna post any reports huh? Guess you are never gonna deal in facts huh? You just keep on runnin the mouth. You talk of your people like you are a shepherd and they are your sheep. You make them sound like peasants for gosh sake. There you go...yell, scream, shout, attack, attack, attack. Cry, cry, cry, whine, whine, whine, blah, blah, blah. go retouch something or start uploading. I suggest if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. You probably ain't shot a pic in years. Why don't you go practice up.

Tend to your sheep oh great master.

Look at some pretty girls. Maybe it will cheer you up.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:07 am
by minoltaman
It's perfectly normal that my galleries have slowed down a bit because I haven't been uploading new pics for a few weeks and folks have already seen the galleries that are there.

Must you always tell stories :!: :!: :!: You are so full of beans and bull. Here is a copy and paste of you recent galleries list from a minute a go. The cool dudes are 8's. The syetem turns them into smiles on a copy and paste. You been hittin the upload list hard.

(image count) Last Update
Critters (24) 18-Dec-2003 07:45
Birds and Bees (15) 17-Dec-2003 06:45
Rural Scenes (18) 15-Dec-2003 02:20
Kids (63) 14-Dec-2003 08:35
Retouching (42) 14-Dec-2003 06:22
Scenics (44) 13-Dec-2003 23:59
Furry Friends (42) 13-Dec-2003 09:58
Hodgepodge (27) 12-Dec-2003 09:16
Fun With Beer (22) 10-Dec-2003 09:17
Children (17) 08-Dec-2003 03:35
Cities (20) 07-Dec-2003 09:21
Flowers (18) 07-Dec-2003 00:36
Transportation (15) 04-Dec-2003 10:28
People (27) 02-Dec-2003 01:01
Victoria (3) 01-Dec-2003 09:58

Please start to tell the truth or stop posting.

Thank you.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:09 am
by minoltaman
Please do not post anymore.
You have proved who you are again.
You have uploaded to fifteen different galleries in the last two weeks.
In every post you tell a story.
The story once again here is you are being dishonest.


Thank you.