Board index PBase Show and Tell 330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

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330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

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Posts: 1042

330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:16 am

I've been amazed at how much the modern digital cameras enable you to take photos under conditions that were previously inaccessible. The biggest feature, to me, is being able to shoot at high ISOs, and thus under low light conditions that were unimaginable even a few years ago.

Let's see your shots that your digital camera allows you to take, that you previously couldn't with film or an early digital camera. Some Photoshopping/Lightrooming is fine, but the image should be primarily about what you can only now do with the instrument. High ISO shots are just an example. For example:

ISO 12,800



Submissions will be closed on Thursday the 21st of August 2014 at 1:16:27 UTC

Posting Photos for a Contest
1. Photos must be hosted on
2. Maximum of 3 photos per contest.
3. Photos must be embedded in your post. See the following link for how to do this
4. Post only medium versions of your picture using the PB-Image button
5. The host is not eligible for their own contest.
6. Any picture you've taken is eligible, regardless of date taken and camera, as long as it hasn't already won another contest.
7. You can do all the post processing you want.

Winning and Running a Contest
1. If you enter the Show and Tell Contest, please note the closing date and be sure to check back to see if you won.
2. If you win the Show and Tell Contest and cannot run the next one, please notify the person running the contest immediately, so they can notify the second place winner.
3. If you decide to run the next contest, please post the new contest within 24 hours.
4. When the contest ends, please post the winners within 24-48 hours. (If you keep an eye on entries during the week, you will have a good idea of your favorites by the time the contest ends, and be able to more quickly post your winners.)
5. If you know you will not be able to post a contest, judge it, and post winners, within these timeframes, please do not start one. Instead, notify the person running the contest, so they can pass it on to the second place winner.
6. Pick first, second, and third place winners. You may include up to 5 honorable mentions.
7. Include these rules in the body of your contest.

Competition History available at viewtopic.php?f=9&t=42757

Posts: 134

330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:17 am

Interesting! (though such are the capabilities of my camera I very rarely shoot above 400 for fear of increased noise and lack of sharpness)

Shot inside the hotel at Kings Cross St Pancras in London at ISO 400

The best thing about being able to up the ISO though is the ability to increase the shutter speed to capture movement in fast moving objects. My series of toucan shots at the Iguassu Falls came out sharp because I left the camera on ISO400 but this one was still able to be blown up enough to cover a double page spread in a travel magazine

Not sure if this one fits or not as it works in the opposite way to ISO, but one of the things I love most is how you can use an ND filter to get a longer shutter speed in daylight. This one lasted six seconds and captures the hustle and bustle of a London street market.

Posts: 117

Re: 330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:12 pm

1/125s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso 12,800

1/200s f/4.0 at 200.0mm iso 10,000

1/400s f/1.2 at 50.0mm iso3200

Posts: 1424

330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:37 am

Here the autofocus was amazing. Could've never caught this action with my old film camera...

would've never dreamt of taking this funky cigar pic with any earlier camera...8000 ISO and no grain

another low light image that required both superb autofocus and good ISO capabilities...
Last edited by grompem on Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 920

Re: 330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:18 am

Full eclipse with ISO 2000 -

Our town's recycle depot - ISO 20000

Household plant - ISO 3200


Posts: 797
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:59 am

The pictures were taken during the World Choir Games - Cincinnati 2012
I learned to push ISO and that a D700 has a very loud shutter sound with quality acoustics.




Posts: 404

Re: 330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:43 pm

It's not a good picture really, but I was very impressed that I was able to capture the Orion Nebula at all with just my 7D and a 300mm lens from a hotel balcony in Costa Rica. ISO is at 12800, so I could keep the exposure time at only 3 seconds to prevent too much streaking.

One of the first pictures I took with my 7D, which was such an improved in low light over my previous camera (Konica Minolta 5D).

Posts: 253

Re: 330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:10 pm

The North Star (ISO 1600)


Hurdy Gurdy

Posts: 446

330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:52 am

The dump truck is driving in front of an asphalt grinding machine while the grindings pour into the truck from a conveyor belt. I never would have been able to capture this with anything less capable than a new DSLR.

The competition was held in an old indoor arena. The lighting was dim, strangely tinted florescent lighting of some kind and the dog and handler teams were moving quickly. A high ISO setting and the rapid shooting capability of a DSLR allowed me to capture this image.

High ISO allowed photographing night time construction work without flash.
Last edited by peterschmidtab on Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 459

Re: 330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

Post Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:03 am

ISO 4000 out of the ever "noisy" Canon 7D.


Paris at ISO 3200


Board index PBase Show and Tell 330th Show & Tell Competition: Expanding your in-camera capabilities

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