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Camera database not updating?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:12 pm
by the_photo_tuell
The camera database doesn't seem to be working correctly (at least for the 300D/Digital Rebel). It has been showing the 300D as only having 25 pictures for 3-4 days now even though I'm sure there have been some added, including mine.

Maybe the problem with the 300D/Digital Rebel is that there are two names? My EXIF shows Digital Rebel, but in the camera database there is only a listing for 300D (and my pictures aren't there).

Is this just something that needs to be adjusted in the camera database so it shows Digital Rebel pictures too?

It's broken

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 1:38 pm
by the_photo_tuell
Yep the camera database is broken. It has been stuck at 25 for the Digital Rebel/300D and 92,805 for the 10D for a few days.

Please look into this. Thanks.

some for SONY

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 10:42 pm
by andyshen
some thing happened to SONY V1 gallery as well....... :( :( :( :(