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No e-mail comments notification ?

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 2:00 pm
by tomsmithvaniz
This is ridiculous. I've been on here for about half an hour trying to figure out how to enable e-mail notification for comments, and reading the forum on the subject.

Some people talk about some complicated technique for being kept up to date, but I just want simple e-mail notification. Is that so much to ask?

As a member of countless forums and web clubs, e-mail notification is a basic option. I don't visit my own galleries often enough to see if there are new comments, and there's certainly no big flat telling me if I have any.

Apparently so. The result is that I sometimes come across comments that are a few years old, and is aggravating and embarrassing to have missed them. Here we have a site to contact a public we don't know, and on the rare occasions somebody is interested enough to leave a post, we miss it.

If anybody DOES have a SIMPLE solution to this problem, I'd love to know about it.


Re: No e-mail comments notification ?

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 8:32 pm
by vneilknobbe

The easiest way that I know is to just go to your dashboard. It shows your two newest comments and there is a link to all your comments just above them. (Sorry, normally I would add screenshots, but don't have any of my comoputers set up at the moment.)


Re: No e-mail comments notification ?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:03 am
by tomsmithvaniz
True, but that's precisely my point : I don't hang out on Pbase. I go there from time to time to manage my galleries, and I never think to look at my dashboard.

How complicated can it be ? If not an e-mail, maybe the option of having a little flashing yellow thing when you go to your home page, because I never even think to look for new comments.