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Support for Mobile

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:59 pm
by goislands
(wrong forum, reported in Feature Request. Sorry about the mixup"

when I started to peruse my images on the phone, iPhone or Droid alike, it stroke me how strangely the proportions look like. Some fonts are being scaled, others, such as the very Prev/Next links, do not scale and appear in microscopic sizes. Also, there is apparently no support at all for the horizontal "swipe left" "swipe right" mimic to traverse through the images.

I think that considering the mass appearance of smart phones and tables in our lives, a support for touch screens and mobile screens should be an absolute 'Priority 1' for Pbase.

Pbase seem to be these days anyways marginalized by Flickr and Instagram or Picassa for that matter. Being here a member for a better part of my life, I am observing this development with worry that PBase might simply die off. It would be a shame. Once upon a time Pbase set a standard for user oriented presentation of photography, incl. rich user configuration features, camera, lens and (back than) film databases. And exactly here comes a good example for Pbase's stagnation: To this day we cannot select a case for a "film camera" versus "digital camera," where we might for example declare which software was used to convert our RAW image!


Re: Support for Mobile

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:07 pm
by goislands
Wrong forum, pardon me, I reposted in Feature Request. Please do not reply here, go rather to Feature Request.