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Slug...What is the criteria...

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Posts: 2089

Slug...What is the criteria...

Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:09 pm

...for getting your photos to the main pbase examples page. (Pbase front screen).

Every day I see the same peoples images come up on this page. What gives??? It is not anywhere near random and I don't see any method to this madness and it does not seem to rotate through to many artists or directly off of the popular lists.

Secondly...What is the relationship between a vote for an image and a vote for a gallery. Can someone tell me how many image votes equals a gallery vote?

If someone can explain this stuff, please do.

Last edited by minoltaman on Fri Nov 14, 2003 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 2089

Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:16 pm

Upon doing some more non-scientific research. It appears the pbase main screen is fixed by someone picking the galleries to display. If you continuously click the pbase tab. The same names come up every third to sixth click. Hmmm.

This includes some good people and galleries but seems to skip over many others.

I guess that is how the same galleries stay "floated" to the top with no new additions. It seeems they have a bit of an assist by someone in here at pbase by enetering them into the main screen que.

Posts: 2089

Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:24 pm

Wendy O, Francis, and Georgia and others(Sorry..I just picked these names and I do love their work.) come up about every fith click. They are good...but come on...How about expanding this list to include a few more people so the same names don't pop up every fith click.

Not complaining here....just noticing this fact.

It would be nice if this screen worked off of the popular lists, 7day or 90 day list or the all time list. It just does not seem to be doing that at all.

It looks like a collection of someones favorites that does not get updated very often.

If I am wrong about all of this, please explain.

15 million images...five clicks to get back to the same name. Shewww, that ain't much variety, is it?
Last edited by minoltaman on Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 64

Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:52 pm

minoltaman wrote:Wendy O, Francis, and Georgia come up about every fith click. They are good...but come on...How about expanding this list to include a few more people so the same names don't pop up every fith click.

Not complaining here....just noticing this fact.

It would be nice if this screen worked off of the popular lists, 7day or 90 day list or the all time list. It just does not seem to be doing that at all.

It looks like a collection of someones favorites that does not get updated very often.

If I am wrong about all of this, please explain.

15 million images...five clicks to get back to the same name. Shewww, that ain't much variety, is it?

Hey, remember, you don't care if they read the forums so they probably won't ever hear you. A shame, isn't it.

Posts: 2089

Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 9:37 pm

Hey, remember, you don't care if they read the forums so they probably won't ever hear you. A shame, isn't it.

I figured I would hear from a one of the complainers. :roll: :lol: :wink:

Nope. Quite the contrary. I figure some friends o slug may know the answers and will post here.

Besides, if Slug is reading anything he may read something addressed to him instead of searching through countless topics and posts to find one addressed directly to him.

If this does not work and I am still curious I will send some emails to the admins to see if they will respond to my questions directly.

If that does not work, no biggie, life goes on. There is always the popular galleries lists to worry about.

And that reminds me...More fire for your side is the guy that has 67 galleries in the popular list overnight (this morning). Now this is a real concern that I feel admin should address. Many of us work hard to make the lists and it would be a bummer if more crazy stuff like this happens without it being addressed.

Yup..cake and ice cream would be nice, but I guess cookies will have to do for now.

Posts: 575

Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:05 am

If you used the search feature you might have found that he did answer this question.

The answer was he choose the atrist to keep the work of better quality and not a gallery that got voted popular for having neekid girlies init.

I can't blame him for not answering posts when if the help section was not used and/or search the forum had not been tried. It would be great if he posted/there was feature/link where you could see if the servers were behaving. Often times the people that cry about "I don't know" "there was no word" never looked at the front page.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm not sympathetic to these people.

Posts: 2089

Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:22 am

Bill...How about searching for the last time he updated his favorites.... He comes up every fith click. Worse...Some people come up that have very small galleries of work that have not been updated in two years or so. What does he do? Add two people a year these days to the rotation?
Thousands of great artists here, shame the thing rotates through the same few names every few clicks. BTW, exactly what terms and words was I to search for?

If those images were that good it seems to me with as much exposure they get those galleries should have floated to the top. My opinion.


PS I had a two part question. Do you have any answers for the second. The search does not.

Posts: 2089

Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:35 am

I would also argue that the top galleries on the 90 day list or all-time list are pound for pound better than the galleries he has picked. They contain much more variety as well. I am leaving the skin galleries out of this equation. Those galleries don't float that high up the 90 day list and hardly ever make the all time lists anyway.

Make some clicks, you will see that the top galleries in those lists are better on average than just the few artists collections he has assembled. At least that is the way I see it. Besides...many of the people that stupid page cycles through have not made an uplaod for 1 1/2 to 2 any gallery. Lets at least load and unload some of the people that make up this rotation to get the list a little more up-to-date.

Is any of this stuff in search? Hard to have a discussion with a search engine...don't you think?

Last edited by minoltaman on Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 2089

Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:51 am

An example...this person has not posted to pbase in over two years. They only posted one gallery when they were here. What gives?

Tons of these people are not even pbase supporters any more...or never were. Can't we update this system somehow?

Why reward non participants and non-pbase supporters with exposure. This is a snub to all of the great artists that are pbase supporters.

This person may have never been a supporter.

Second case and point. No disrespect meant to this artist.

I guarantee you I can find at least a dozen similar subject galleries that are quite a bit better than this one in my opinion. This one has only a few images to start with. The number of high quality ones is up for debate.


Posts: 64

Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 6:22 pm

thresholdprod wrote:If you used the search feature you might have found that he did answer this question.

The answer was he choose the atrist to keep the work of better quality and not a gallery that got voted popular for having neekid girlies init.

I can't blame him for not answering posts when if the help section was not used and/or search the forum had not been tried. It would be great if he posted/there was feature/link where you could see if the servers were behaving. Often times the people that cry about "I don't know" "there was no word" never looked at the front page.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm not sympathetic to these people.

And often times there are problems that never get posted to the front page. I just think the lack of new features over the two years I've been here is pretty pathetic.

Posts: 2089

Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 6:40 pm

Hey joe...glad to see you have not left yet. 8)

Posts: 64

Post Sat Nov 15, 2003 10:27 pm

minoltaman wrote:Hey joe...glad to see you have not left yet. 8)

Nope, not yet. Still evaluating other places before I move all of my images.

Posts: 2089

Post Tue Nov 18, 2003 12:56 am

Just another 1 gallery non-supporter example that is featured on the pbase front page....still confuzed..... :roll: :twisted:

Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 744

PBase Front Page Images

Post Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:06 am

So, what is the deal with the limited number of photos that show up on the PBase main page?

Images must be specifically selected by us to appear on the front page. And, we haven't updated this in a while. Images from non-PBase supporters appear on the front page because the photos were selected before we started charging.

Ideally, the choice of which images appear here would be user controlled - related to the popular galleries. However, the popular galleries often contain many images of scantily clothed women. If my grandmother looks at the PBase front page and sees nothing but a bunch of naked girls, she won't want to put her quilting bee photos up here. Not that there's anything wrong with these images. We have some fantastic nude art on PBase, but some people get the wrong idea even if it is art. We want to avoid scaring people away.

We will most definitely be updating this selection of images and working on a good way of making it user-controlled.


Posts: 2089

Post Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:28 am

Hi Emily, I am glad you will be updating soon. The list just rotates to the same names a bit to often often I think and you already have addressed the old galleries point I was making. I know this is not a big concern for you and I really appreciate you taking the time to do the updating and replying here. Thanks much and nice to see you posting around a bit.



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