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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:45 pm
by rileypm
akjack seems to like to spend a lot of time on pbase bragging without letting his ego show. akjack seems to spend a lot of time on pbase for someone with no regard for pbase. akjack seems to spend a lot of time on pbase not to "almost never view images at Pbase."

akjack is pbase's very own troll. I think it is cute and entertaining. Maybe we need to start a poll to see what others think. Of course, akjack could be photography's very own version of God Almighty and we could all bow down and pay homage to akjack.

If pbase is filled with amateurs and wantabes, then why is akjack hanging out here. akjack is not a photographer nor does he own a camera or one of those three legged thingies. He is just a troll. If it walks like a troll and quacks like a troll, danged if I don't believe its a troll.

Just think of me as:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:21 am
by akjack
"God's own mad photographic lover, dying on a digital kiss"


PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:35 am
by akjack
Who posts photos on PBase because he can't sell any to customers ? or someone who is looking for confirmation of their prowness as a point and shooter ? Or could it be someone who thinks a camera is an enlarged male appendage used like some use a gun, SUV, football, guitar or other contrived excuse for having not real direction in life or knowledge of their place in the world ? Or someone who once complained that wedding photography was beneath them, but now shoot weddings because of the easy money and the downfall of the commerical market and stock ???? Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of photogs ????

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:57 am
by dougj
Riley is right, this one is nothing more than an incompetent, adolescent troll. For whatever reason, most forums have a troll or two. At least they can periodically provide some entertainment value with their whining and whinging.

I find this one’s struggle with rudimentary language skills to also be amusing.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:17 pm
by gilp
I really enjoy the banter, I know it's just a "lets infuriate everyone on the web while my freshly applied layer of proactive acne treament dries"... But it's still fun... everybody loves a useless debate!

It's a shame that these (photographers) +++

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:38 pm
by akjack
Are afraid of the truth of their chosen profession, if you want to call it that. Anyone that is here as a truthteller is automatically considered a Troll because they can not face up to the truth about photography. Real Sad ! But very funny at the same time. It's usually part time weekend warriors who have a dream...a dream of what is what we cannot understand ? They think they are producing something that is going to really make someone think they are an "artist" but the art has already been done by others in the last 150 years. In photography there is nothing new under the sun, but people copying each other and claiming they they have something fresh and new.
They go buy their Nikon or Canon and think they are going somewhere. That somewhere is usually a night job at Wal-mart stocking point and shoot digital cameras. Could I be more clear in this assessment ?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:03 pm
by gilp
Hey, No argument, everthing as been done once... but that doesn't mean that people are not interested in seeing new takes on things, Marylin Monroe is gone...but people still like Blond bombshells, I know I do.

There is nothing wrong with your assesment of how pittyful the whole state of photography is...and there is nothing wrong with working at wall*mart and taking cool pictures and shwoing them to the world... where is there something wrong with that?

Pro? a pro is someone who earns 51%+ of his/her anual income off photography... that person can shoot for Vogue or shoot doorknobs for doorknob stores... being pro has NOTHING to do with being talented or being creative...

Talent and creative work are NOT the realm of the pro, anyone can be creative and some people have talent beyond their technical limitation, it's all about enjoying what it is you do.

So you can be a Bitch and shoot down everyone here... but people here have something that you will never have, the courage to share their images and deal with the comments that come with them.. good or bad.

So stop preaching about how the truth cannot be told and deal with the fact that people here are here by choice... you don't have to be here ...really you don't.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:07 pm
by rileypm
Amen, gilp, Amen!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:37 pm
by trimoon
Amen, to that Amen!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:36 am
by jniemann
Profile for akjack Name akjack (joined 25-Jun-2007)
Username akjack

Statistics akjack has no images online.
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LOL - Yeah, you're ready to go Pro, ackjack :roll:
Gilp - nice post. I like what you said, but somehow I think you are wasting your time with this fool. Just a Troll.

Actually I lack the courage to look at any of the

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:10 am
by akjack
images you folk may have taken !!! I would bet its really scary !!!! not to mention amature to the google degree !!! Kind of like American Idol without the lack of talent !!! which would mean 0 (zero) talent !!! Are you guys ready to go pro yet ???? There are nite jobs at the local cleaners I understand !!!

Re: Actually I lack the courage to look at any of the

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:08 am
by jniemann
akjack wrote:images you folk may have taken !!! I would bet its really scary !!!! not to mention amature to the google degree !!! Kind of like American Idol without the lack of talent !!! which would mean 0 (zero) talent !!! Are you guys ready to go pro yet ???? There are nite jobs at the local cleaners I understand !!!

Hahaha :lol:. I'm sure that was intended to mean something. It seems kids these days can't even construct a good insult ! :roll:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:57 am
by marxz
this would be an amusing thread ... ah what the hell this IS an amusing thread ... shame it will all end in tears, dummy spits and "I'll take my bat and ball and go else where" posts (pity they never do though).

in the mean time can someone pass the popcorn and open me another can of larger.....

FUNNY posts for sure !!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:07 pm
by akjack
Take Jeniemann for example...Does that name mean shes GAY ? Jennie-Man ???? Anyway, you can tell she is VERY late to the party !!! If she wants me to post my photos at her (nite) job at the dry cleaners she dam well better send me some of that blue stickey stuff or double stick tape or at least some rust thumbtacks. I did this in South-central L.A. once at the urgeing of the cities museum there. They told me that my gritty street images would best be seen by the people I took photos of with the camera Lenie-man gave me ( a 1932 Kodak Brownie, with one of those 3 legged things) Well, to cut to the chase and not bore anyone with Hemmingway style prose, I put the images at a local gas station there. Went back in a few days to find the images shot full of holes.....Dam Rappers !!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:29 pm
by louann108
Maybe they were art critics.....