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Re: why are my pictures so NOT sharp?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:08 pm
by drphoto_es
Hi there,
I believe you should take some time to expose your pics, they seem to be a bit overexposed, take your time, educate the eye to look for the medium light conditions in your composition, no light, no shadow, just the middle point, expose there. Hold your camera steady (better use a tripod, ) below 5,6 aperture and lower than 1/100 unless you have a very firm arms, you will always find your shots a bit blured, even though you edit raw after. Work out your white balance settings, in such sunny conditions the auto mode can go bannanas, set your lowest Iso, and why not use the bracketing settings, on jpg for a test, you will easily download those and you will see the amazing results your equipment can deliver. I do not sincerely think the issue is with the lense.
Good luck

Re: why are my pictures so NOT sharp?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:15 pm
by memejr1949
most people do not look so good when you can see all their pores, the little hairs sticking out of ..., sharp is good for birds, flowers (not always), and several other things. But it is easier to make the skin smooth then it is to sharpen it.

Re: why are my pictures so NOT sharp?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:52 am
by kenmac
Lots of talk about lenses and sharpness and stuff. Sharpness is good but over rated. Problem is you should be able to get sharpness where and when on an image..every time you want it..not hit and miss. The 24 - 70 is a superb lens...I'm even thinking of trading my 24 - 105 in on one. From a look at your work, I think there may be some other issues too, like exposures....under or over exposed images play around with your contrast which can alter percieved sharpness. I know he sometimes talks a lot of tripe at times...but sometimes what he says is spot on a google search on Ken Rockwell.

Re: why are my pictures so NOT sharp?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:05 pm
by markcas
Seriously, try exposure bracketing and then pick the correct exposure from what you see on the computer monitor. Also keep the exposure compensation down one notch. Your "focus" problems could be due largely to your over exposure. I looked at the two images with the cheap lens and with the more expensive lens and to me they both look the same. Over exposed.

Surprising that you sent the other lens back and had problems. I think there are a few things going on. You did have a lens problem but also your technique needs some refining. If you are having problems with multiple lenses you should start to wonder if it is your technique.

DSLRs aren't really made for snap shots, they are for people who have graduated up to more advanced photography. Not saying you or anyone else shouldn't have/get one. I am just saying they are less user friendly for the casual snapshoter.

Of course, I see lots of snapsshots taken by people with Canon's top of the line 21Mp, full frame pro camera. Goes to show some people have too much money! LOL

Not trying to arrogant. The top paragraph should actually help you quite a bit.

Mark :)