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Can I use Kodak T400 CN instead of Kodak 400 Tri-X?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:41 pm
by rvaccha
I am currently in Cambodia/Thailand and have run out of my rolls of Kodak 400 Tri-X.

I am a intro to Photography student in Philadelphia, and until now have just processed Tri X using the 9 3/4 minute Kodak developer, 68 degrees temperature, fix etc. to process the negatives.

Does anyone know if I can use Kodak T400CN as a substitute and still develop it in a similar manner?

Unless...someone knows of a shop in Siem Reap or Bangkok where I can get Tri X or other more appropriate film?

Finally, can anyone please explain if I can use Kodak 125 Plus X in non motion, bright light (daylight), as I will be taking photos in the day of statues and temples (all outdoors).

Thanks a lot friends, I am loving shooting, thats why I ran out of film!


PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:00 pm
by paulsilkphotography
You can use it as a b&w substitute but you cannot develop it in b&w chemicals as it is a C41 process film (colour).

Yes you can use the 125 plus in "bright" daylight, you may have more of a problem handholding in dull overcast lighting and keeping a fast enough shutter speed though.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:20 am
by jdepould
Any B&W film should work as long as it isn't C41 process, which should be clear on the package . . . unless it's in another language.