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pinhole camera/ red light error

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:41 pm
by knud4love
I am so happy to find this site. I think I made a mistake by buying a red "party light" from the store for the dark room. The photo shop was out of bulbs so I just went out and bought a red bulb. All of my photos turned completely black. I mixed the chemical correctly and I believe I made the cameras light proof (out of oatmeal containers and a coke can for the metal pinhole). The paper that I used is Ilford glossy.
Am I correct in thinking I might need a specific type of red light? Any information would be appreciated because, as you can tell, I am a total novice and my main source of info has been Stew Woodruff and other pinhole sites.


red light?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:02 pm
by ghsmith178613
are you having a light on for film processing?

no, no, no!!!! unless you are processing in a closed tank. only orthochromatic and contrast process films can a red light on. even that light has to be very low power (5-7 watts) and something like 4ft. away.

reload the camera in the dark go shoot it again.

when you process the film, you may turn the light on after the film has been in the fixing bath for at least two minutes.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:13 pm
by dang
Yes, you should use a very low watt bulb. Most likely you've used a 45w "party" bulb as they call them, which is more than bright enough to fog the paper. Since you've read, I'll assume you've made the room light proof and done everything else correctly.

Here's a link to Adorama where you can find "safe lights', which aren't too expensive. ... 7141499993

PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:33 pm
by knud4love
Thanks for your tips. I did buy a party bulb. All of the paper is probably wasted but now I know better.
Long Tall Sally