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Like the sound of this :-)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 4:22 pm
by lynkos
I've been posting to PBase for a few months now, but I'm just discovering these other functions. Having read a few of the postings on the Photo-a-Day forum, I like the sound of this challenge and as I'm such an addict I find it hard to survive without taking at least one photo a day in any case, hope I'll manage to make the target!
One technical question. I usually upload my photos to my normal galleries quite frequently. If I want to place one of these in my Photo-a-Day gallery as well, can I do this by copying it or do I have to upload the photo directly to the gallery?
Thanks and I look forward to being part of this fun and challenging project, Sarah (from near Rome in Italy)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 5:43 pm
by wangi
Sarah, you can copy the image into your pad gallery. Welcome to the club.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 10:40 pm
by clickaway

I find it tidier to save my file as a new name to upload it to a different gallery.

But that is just because I like my PaD titles to incorporate a date (e.g August 29 2004: Galileo) and my others just to have a tiltle, sometimes in a particular theme (perhaps just using a one word title).

If you use the same filename to upload with for both galleries, you must have the same title for each.

Looking forward to your PaD!
