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August Theme?

discuss photo-a-day projects
Posts: 3

August Theme?

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:55 pm

I had this great idea. I personally don't have a PaD, but my dear and lovable son does (

I gave him this idea (he :roll: rolled his eyes (he's 15)).

I am asking our friends to email me back 5 nouns. We'll put them in a hat and pull out, no not a bunny, but one of those nouns and he'll take a picture of it -- sort of like a scavenger hunt.

Just thought I'd share -- is it a stupid idea? are you all rolling your eyes?

Caron (greg's mom)

Posts: 64

i'd roll my eyes too.

Post Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:24 pm

hi Caron,

I'm glad you're encouraging him to do the PaD project! He certainly has talent!
I thought for a while I was the youngest PADer (I'm 19) but your son beats me by a comfortable margin.

So I was 15 not long ago and I'll be honest with you. It's a great idea, and I do hope you post up those nouns when you get them! As good as it is, though, at 15 I would resent my mother trying to tell me what to shoot. Photography is self-expression, and by suggesting ideas, he may feel like you're trying to run his life.

On the other hand, I don't know what kind of relationship you two share. If it were me, I would take the ideas and do the requested photos, more for the satisfaction of my mother and her friends (who, I'm sure, would be anxious to see the result!) than for personal satisfaction. He might ignore the ideas or happily agree to do the photos, feigning embarassment by rolling his eyes :)

One of the best parts of my day today was taking my camera and walking up to the neighborhood park - alone - to look for today's photo. I think my mom finally realized how individual I am compared to others - photography isn't much of a social activity! As a mother, I'd encourage you to observe how he treats the photo-a-day project. Would he rather do it alone or with other people around? What kinds of photos does he take? What does he say when others ask him about photography and the PAD? I think photography could be a vehicle for growth and understanding in your relationship with Greg.

It's a difficult balance for my own mother, and perhaps for you too. My mom realizes how much photography means to me, so naturally, she wants to show interest and be a part of it. At the same time, she's learned, with noticable sorrow, that behind the camera lies my haven from the rest of the world. I don't know if the same will hold true for you.

Well this response has gotten to be a short essay. Of course, take it with a grain of salt, these are only my opinions.

A photo a day
Keeps hard workers at play.

Posts: 38

Re: August Theme?

Post Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:48 pm

caronamy wrote: ... I am asking our friends to email me back 5 nouns. We'll put them in a hat and pull out, no not a bunny, but one of those nouns and he'll take a picture of it -- sort of like a scavenger hunt.

Stumbled on this site the other day. All about photographic scavenger hunts and other challenges to stir up the creative juices.


Posts: 3

Post Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:34 pm

Hi Wes,

Nice shots on your site. I love Hawaii and want to return one day.

At 15 it depends on my son's mood! Some days it's like leave me alone and I'll do my own thing. Other days, it's like hmm, what do I shoot. So I'll give him an idea, like my rings. If he takes my idea then great, if not, my feeling aren't hurt.

Thanks on the insight though. I've never been a 15 year old boy and forget what it's like to have a mother that sticks her nose in your business, even though she thinks she's being helpful.

He wants to do photography for a living, so I just try to encourage him, but maybe I am a little overbearing with "are you bringing your camera today?". Thanks. I'm just so happy he found an interest!!!

I will post the nouns when I get them composed.

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